Wein-Research von Olaf Schilling

My Name is Olaf Schilling and I am situated in Germany near Munich.

After finishing university with a Diploma in Economics I started my career working for Hypo Bank and Deutsche Bank Private Banking. Now I’m consulting banks in the Mutual Funds Industry.

I`m mad about good wines and fine food. Wein-Research was founded 10 years ago to learn more about WINE and to SHARE my Journey!

With my WSET 4 Diploma I got a very good basic theoretical knowledge about wine and tasting, but 99% 😉 more importend imho is TASTING & DRINKING…

I’m a member of the International Wine and Food society, Sommelier Union Germany and Weinakademiker Österreich.

As a guest contributor I’m writing for Weinwisser journal. It is a leading journal for Fine Wines in Germany and Switzerland.

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